Today we have an article from a new source,
The Institute for Creation Research. This article deals not with misconceptions, but with outright lies.
What if all life evolved from a common ancestor by means of gradual changes as Darwin suggested? What evidence would we expect to find?
A wonderful question.
Certainly we would expect to find the fossilized remains of the myriads of ancestral creatures which lived and died over the millenia. At least some of the intermediate forms would have been fossilized. Remains of many varieties of present creatures have been found, including some extinct varieties, but the true in-between forms bridging gaps still elude us. Abundant soft-bodied remains have been found, so the conditions for preservation would always somewhere have existed. Why can't we find those important fossils which document evolution?
Here is where the lies begin.
We have found transitional fossils.
Thousands of them. This claim is not a misunderstanding. It is not a misinterpretation of the facts. It is not an honest mistake. It is an outright lie. There are thousands of transitional fossils, showcasing the evolution of many complex characteristics. The claim that transitional fossils do not exist is one of the most blatant and persistent lies made by Creationists, and is all the more astonishing for its audacity. In saying that transitional fossils do not exist, one must deny huge amounts of evidence. I would also like to refer you to the
wonderful article on transitional fossils over at the TalkOrigins archive.
We might also expect to find evolution still occurring today.
We well might.
Why does it seem to have stopped?
Here we have the second lie. Evolution has not stopped.
Scientists have observed the evolution of new species. Thousands of them. Evolution is not something that only happened in the past, it is going on around us all the time. Probably the most obvious example of evolution is the rise of
antibiotic resistant bacteria.Geologists think the present time is marked by rapid change; environments are changing, so why are living things not changing?
It's important to understand something aboutr Geologists; they don't look at time like the rest of us. Geology occurs on scales of millions of years. When a geologist talks about an instant, she may well be talking about a period of ten thousand years! Of course since evolution is going on around us, this point is moot.
They are unquestionably adapting, but this is not by acquiring new genetic traits as required by evolution. Mutations frequently occur, which damage existing genes, some more than others, but nowhere do we observe new genetic information arise by random mutation.
It shouldn't suprise you to learn that this too is a lie. Just look at antibiotic resistant bacteria. Scientists create antibiotic drugs that do not exist in nature. Yet bacteria evolve resistance to them. Clearly this is new information, but the author conviently overlooks even this obvious example. The TalkOrigins article on
the evolution of improved fitness describes it in far greater detail than I can here.
Evolution of any basic type into another would require millions of innovative, helpful mutations which add new information to the genome, but these are nowhere to be seen. Instead of new types, we observe misfits and extinction, the opposite of evolution. Natural selection can only select between variants, it cannot act on its own to create novel types, and certainly is not an intelligent force driving innovation.
The author is right in that evolution is not an intelligent force at all. That he thinks it is betrays only his own ignorance. Needless to say, the rest of the quote is wrong. I will again point you to the TalkOrigins article above.
We would also expect to discover a universal trend in science which leads to more complexity in nature, paving the way for an increase in genetic content.
This, at least, is not a lie. It is instead a simple misconception, which is a welcome relief at this point. Evolution does not lead to greater complexity. Evolution leads to organisms that are well adapted to their environment. It is wrong to say that a human is "more evolved" than an ape, because an ape is well suited for the environment in which it lives. No creature is more evolved than any other.
Instead we discover the universal second law of science, which invariably points toward a degradation of quality in every duplication of information, such as in reproduction, and more randomness in every unguided process.
Now he's just making things up. The "second law of science" exists only in the fevered imagination of the author. He seems to be talking about the
second law of thermodynamics, which does not say what he seems to think it says.
The complexity of life forms is so unimaginably great that we must account for it, and random changes in the face of a universal law can hardly be the answer.
It's certainly a good thing that evolution through natural selection is not a random process, or evolution would be in big trouble. But it isn't. While natural selection is unguided, it is not random. Mutations, the raw material of evolution, are random, but natural selection uses them to produce evolution.
At the least we should find a mechanism for evolution firmly in place. Mutation and natural selection are often cited, but these are deteriorative and conservative, not innovative and thoughtful. A theory of everything which has no mechanism is a weak theory indeed.
Are you tired of the lies yet? I know I am. This is simply not true. The vast, overwhelming majority of scientist agree that mutation and natural selection work very well to produce evolution. Note that the author gives us no citation for his claim that mutation and natural selection are deteriorative and conservatice, so we have no way of knowing where he got that piece of information from. It almost seems like he's just making it up.
Thus we do not find the expected evidence that evolution of basic types has taken place. Surely we can be excused for looking elsewhere.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, there are none so blind as those who will not see. The ability to overlook such massive quantities of evidence simply astounds me. The evidence is right here, dear reader. I trust that you can make the right decision.
how did life begin -
"on the back of crystals"
"aliens"- Dawkins
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" - Bible
just watch Expelled and you will see the truth of what is occurring today. Don't be deceived -
The interviews from Expelled were filmed under false pretenses, and the quotes are taken out of context. Also, that stuff about evolution causing the holocaust it, to put it bluntly, bullshit. Nothing in that movie is new, it's just the same old false arguments that creationists have been making for years. Ben Stein should be ashamed of himself.
anonymous said:
"just watch Expelled and you will see the truth of what is occurring today. Don't be deceived -"
Expelled is most definitely NOT the "truth". It is a creationist propaganda film that does nothing but spread more lies. It tries to equate the phenomenon of Social Darwinism with Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest; the two are not related and Darwin was not a proponent of Social Darwinism.
Evolution is proven. ID can never be proven.
I was annoyed, but not surprised, at the number of logical fallacies in Expelled. Here's a few examples:
* Quote mining I. Richard Dawkins, who besides being an atheist is also a PhD biologist, said "There are problems with natural selection." Then the camera shifts to Stein, who enumerates several of these problems. Somehow, I suspect that Dawkins' problems and Stein's problems have little in common.
* Quote mining II. Stein quotes Einstein's famous "God does not play dice" as evidence that Einstein did not believe in evolution. A fuller quote is "Quantum mechanics is certainly imposing. But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory says a lot, but does not really bring us any closer to the secret of the 'old one'. I, at any rate, am convinced that He [God] does not throw dice." As the context indicates, Einstein said this to convey that he wasn't convinced that quantum mechanics (a probabilistic theory, hence the "throw dice" analogy) was correct. He was most certainly not referring to evolution or intelligent design.
* Argument from adverse consequences. Even if the idea that the "Aryan race" was more evolved, and somehow superior, was actually correct, evolutionary theory states that the "Aryan race" would, in fact, naturally replace the "less evolved" races without any dedicated effort to make this happen, such as what was attempted in the Holocaust. Even if we accept the film's argument that the Holocaust was based on evolution - because some people misunderstood evolution and committed terrible acts based on that misunderstanding, that does not falsify evolution. People die in car accidents every day, but nobody claims that internal combustion doesn't happen.
* Outright lies. Stein claims Darwinian evolution argues that life arose from a primordial sea on a lifeless planet through a chance collision of chemicals, and that over billions of years, this biological accident gave rise to all of life, including humans. This is patently false. Evolution only describes how a species changes through genetics. It does not describe an initial form or forms of life. And evolution does not occur by chance; it occurs through natural selection. There is a difference.
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